Pets ARE NOT allowed in The Motel Rooms.
Pets ARE allowed with guests staying in the RV Park.
A $150 fee will be charged for any infraction of this company policy.
The Bear Dance Village & RV Park is individually owned and operated and has NO restrictions on breeds of dogs, unlike some properties which may have policies against accepting certain breeds which have been identified by major insurance companies as having a history of unfriendly and aggressive behavior to both humans and to other pets.
(These breeds are Pit Bulls, Pit Bull mixes, Rottweiler’s and Dobermans.)
Please understand that aggressive dogs of any breed are NOT welcome. If your dog shows behavior that is protective and unfriendly to strangers, please leave it at home. If you decide to bring your dog and it exhibits this type of behavior, you will be asked to find other accommodations.
- Health & Safety responsibilities, as well as being a good neighbor require you to pick up after your pets. All droppings must be put in a sealed plastic bag and disposed of in proper trash receptacles. SCOOP THE POOP!!
- Pets may not be tied to any trees, pedestal, hydrants, streetlights, signs, or property structures.
- Allowing your pet to bark day or night will not be permitted, and you may be asked to leave if you are unable to control your pet's barking behavior.
- All dogs are required to be under the control and visual observation of their owner at all times. The 6' (six foot) leash rule is in effect whenever the animal is outside the owner's RV or campsite. No dog should ever be left tied up and unattended outside. Walking in the RV Park without a leash is not permitted.
- Service dogs of any breed are welcome; however, these animals must follow leash restraint policies and may not exhibit aggressive behavior.

Copyright ©2004 Bear Dance Village & RV Center
42800 South Parks Highway
Talkeetna, Alaska 99676
Mile 98 Parks Highway |